Lori Mitchell Funny Bones Skeleton Trick or Treat Boy Figurine 10290

Halloween Lori Mitchell

Halloween Lori Mitchell, by ESC and Company. Halloween figurines of darling girls and boys dressed for Halloween - witches, pirate, mummy, alien, jack pumpkins, alice in wonderland, wizard of oz, ghosts, cats, superheros - tons and tons of options!


We accept special/preorders for any out of stock or new pieces. We encourage you to pre-order your favorites now, as demand on these is typically high. Once they're sold out for the season, they're gone!


In all cases of pre-order, payment is charged immediately and your treasures ship as soon as the items are in our hands.

We hope you love them as much as we do!


Adorable Dora

Adorable Dora

SKU: ESC20693

Sweet Dora wears a black and white dress with an orange collar, a matching witch hat, striped socks, and holds a pumpkin treat bucket!

Alice in Wonderland Figurine

Alice in Wonderland Figurine

SKU: ESC11021

Part of the Alice in Wonderland Collection, sweet Alice wears the classic blue dress with white pinafore, and clutches her own little white rabbit!

All Hallow's Party Boy

All Hallow's Party Boy

SKU: S_ESC36130

All Hallow's Eve Boy, by Lori Mitchell. This darling boy is out for treats, not tricks, with his festive Halloween party outfit and hat!  Ready to ship in: Approx 2 weeks.

Angel Girl

Angel Girl

SKU: S_ESC11050

Angel Girl, by Lori Mitchell. This darling girl is out for treats, not tricks, in her adorable angel outfit!  Ready to ship in approx 2 weeks.

Bat Boy Ben

Bat Boy Ben

SKU: ESC22822

Bat Boy Ben, a Lori Mitchell figurine for Halloween. Darling boy dressed as a bat with a little pot belly!

Batty Betty

Batty Betty

SKU: ESC22128

Batty Betty, by Lori Mitchell. Betty wears a sweet bat-accented pinafore over a black and orange dress, and has little black bat wings!

Batty Natty

Batty Natty

SKU: S_ESC36195

Batty wears superhero costume with black cape and eye mask, and has crazy hair from all her flying adventures! She carries a Jack o'Lantern candy bucket.

Becca's Broom Ride

Becca's Broom Ride

SKU: S_ESC70314

Becca's Broom Ride, by Lori Mitchell. A sweet pigtailed little girl sports a quirky, extra tall witches cap, and wears red and white striped stockings.

Bride of Frankie Stein

Bride of Frankie Stein

SKU: ESC11052

Bride of Frankie Stein, by Lori Mitchell. After years of bachelorhood, Little Frankie Stein finally has a lovely bride!

Captain Kidd

Captain Kidd

SKU: ESC87541

Captain Kidd, a Lori Mitchell. This little boy is trick or treating in a fun pirate outfit, complete with hat, eye patch, and parrot!



SKU: S_ESC11075

Part of the bestselling Alice in Wonderland Collection, this is for the wise caterpillar, perched smoking on his toadstool! Ready to ship in: Approx 2 weeks.

Cheshire Cat

Cheshire Cat

SKU: S_ESC11044

Part of the bestselling Alice in Wonderland Collection, this is for the Cheshire Cat, grinning up a storm!  Ready to ship in: Approx 2 weeks.

Corny and Candie

Corny and Candie

SKU: S_ESC92291

This candy corn couple is ready for some Halloween fun in their candy corn outfits and black and white polka dot bows! Set of TWO. Ready to ship in approx 2 weeks.

Dinky Dinosaur

Dinky Dinosaur

SKU: ESC87540

Dinky Dinosaur, by Lori Mitchell for ESC and Company. This trick or treated is dressed in a sweet dinosaur outfit, complete with tail!



SKU: ESC70317

Draco, by Lori Mitchell for ESC and Company. This little boy is dressed like vampire Count Dracula, complete with cape and widow's peak!

Dreamy Dracula

Dreamy Dracula

SKU: ESC12270

Sitting on his fancy black coffin next to a fat pumpkin, Dreamy Dracula is waking up just in time for Halloween!  2020 release.

Enchanted Eliza

Enchanted Eliza

SKU: ESC20692

Enchanted Eliza, a Lori Mitchell figurine for Halloween. Eliza wears a white dress and orange cape, accented with a black cat.



SKU: S_ESC10292

Espirella, by Lori Mitchell for ESC and Company. Espirella has festive bat wings and has a simply fabulous hair do! Ready to ship in approx 2 weeks.

Fired Up Frankie

Fired Up Frankie

SKU: S_ESC22791

Fired Up Frankie, by Lori Mitchell. For that fire fighter in your life!

Five of Clubs

Five of Clubs

SKU: ESC11043

Part of the bestselling Alice in Wonderland Collection, this is for one of the red queens soldiers, the Five of Clubs!

Flitter Flatter

Flitter Flatter

SKU: S_ESC11084

Flitter Flatter, by Lori Mitchell. This jolly butterfly is perched on a pumpkin, and colored all in shades of orange, black, and yellow. Ready to ship in approx 2 weeks.

Fraidy Cat

Fraidy Cat

SKU: S_ESC70318

Fraidy Cat, by Lori Mitchell for ESC and Company. This sweet little character is bursting out of a black cat outfit. Ready to ship in approx 2 weeks.

Funny Bones

Funny Bones

SKU: S_ESC10290

Funny Bones, by Lori Mitchell for ESC and Company. This little boy is dressed in a black suit with a spooky skeleton design! Ready to ship in approx 2 weeks.



SKU: ESC11055

Good Witch Glinda, a Lori Mitchell design for ESC and Company. Part of the Wizard of Oz series, we have Glinda, the good witch!

Gretta Goodwitch

Gretta Goodwitch

SKU: S_ESC22603

Gretta Goodwitch, by Lori Mitchell. Gretta holds a sweet little dolly, and wears an orange polka dot dress and black hat! Ready to ship in approx 2 weeks.

Gypsy Rose

Gypsy Rose

SKU: S_ESC11102

Gypsy Rose, by Lori Mitchell. This bohemian gal is ready to read your fortune! Ready to ship in approx 2 weeks.

Halloween Heights

Halloween Heights

SKU: S_ESC11096

Halloween Heights, by Lori Mitchell. A little girl in pigtails rides in the basket of a balloon in the shape of a Jack-o-Lantern. Ready to ship in approx 2 weeks.

Haunted Hayride

Haunted Hayride

SKU: S_ESC11049

A great way to start a collection, this wagon is filled with three sweet trick or treaters - little devil, angel girl, and Trixie witch! Ready to ship in approx 2 weeks.



SKU: S_ESC23939

Hoot-N-Hollar, a Lori Mitchell design for ESC and Company. This sweet owl kiddo is ready for fall, with colored feathers, mas, and little bird feet!  Ready to ship in: approx 2 weeks.

Jack Squash

Jack Squash

SKU: S_ESC10756

A favorite Lori Mitchell design, Jack Squash barely fits into his oversized pumpkin costume! Ready to ship in approx 2 weeks.

Johnny Law

Johnny Law

SKU: ESC22792

Johnny Law, by Lori Mitchell. For that police worker in your life, this darling trick or treater is dressed in uniform, but ready for candy with a Jack o'Lantern bucket!

King of the Jungle (Cowardly Lion)

Kitty Boo

Kitty Boo

SKU: S_ESC11158

A happy, halloween black cat, Lori style!  Kitty boo has green eyes and wears an orange bow around his neck.  Ready to ship in: Approx 2 weeks.

Lil Devil

Lil Devil

SKU: ESC11105

Lil Devil, by Lori Mitchell. This little blonde boy is all dressed up for Halloween fun in his red devil outfit, complete with horns, tail, and fork.

Lil Ninja

Lil Ninja

SKU: S_ESC11082

Lil Devil, by Lori Mitchell. This sweet little martial arts expert is dressed all in black, trimmed in red, with weapons and candy bucket ready!  Ready to ship in approx 2 weeks.

Little Alien

Little Alien

SKU: ESC93903

Little Alien, a Lori Mitchell Figurine. Green and weird with eyeballs on his hat, little alien carries a candy bucket, and has froggie-like feet!

Little Boo

Little Boo

SKU: S_ESC10288

Little Boo, by Lori Mitchell. Dressed in her sweet ghost-white dress, little boo carries her jack o lantern candy bucket out trick or treating! Ready to ship in approx 2 weeks.

Little Frankie Stein

Little Frankie Stein

SKU: ESC70315

This jolly bloke wouldn't scare anyone! Frankie has greenish skin, flat top head, and carries a pumpkin candy bucket.

Minnie Mummy

Minnie Mummy

SKU: S_ESC11051

Minnie is all wrapped up and ready to go trick or treating, with her bat wand, crazy pigtails, and pumpkin candy bucket! Ready to ship in approx 2 weeks.

Miss Bubble & Squeak

Miss Bubble & Squeak

SKU: ESC23870

Miss Bubble & Squeak, a Lori Mitchell design for ESC and Company. Miss Bubble & Squeak carries a cauldron candy bucket and stands atop a pumpkin.


Source: http://www.theweedpatchstore.com/halloween-lori-mitchell/

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